I’ve been feeling uneasy lately. So much of the next six months of my life is being decided by others. Timelines and decisions are out of my control. I don’t know exactly what is going to happen next. I’m a planner (and maybe a wee bit of a control freak), so this is seriously stressing me out.

Technically I could go my own direction and make my own decisions, but I have too much riding right now to make that a practical course of action. I’m so frustrated by that!

So, I wait. Worry. Distract myself. Do what I can. I’ve been writing all these blog posts about goal setting and planning. I truly believe everything I have written.

I also think there’s moments when you have to walk away from all that planning and goal-driven activity.

When everything feels like too much, too fast, too slow, or just plain wrong, it’s time to take a break and just live in the moment. My dogs teach me this over and over. Here are five things they remind me to do constantly. Those reminders are part of why I love them so much.

  1. Break the rules once in a while. All the dog training “rules” in the world say to not let your dog initiate tug of war. (There’s good reasons for this, for the record.) Sometimes, though, if my puppy is standing in front of me with a rope toy, we play tug of war! Eat dessert for dinner. Go on adventure instead of doing the things you think you should do – clean the house, do the laundry, go to that thing you don’t really want to go to.
  2. Play when you want to play. You work hard. You try to make the best life for yourself and the ones you love. But when a moment of sheer goofiness comes upon you, go for it. Zoom around the yard. Laugh at that ridiculously inappropriate joke. Turn the radio up and sing along.
  3. Give your attention to those who want it. If your dog is standing in front of you, begging for some love, give her some damn love. If your friend wants to talk about something on his mind, listen. Time together is a precious gift. Put the phone down and pay attention. We’re all so wrapped up in ourselves. It’s easy to miss how much we mean to those around us.
  4. Rest. Ever notice how much your dogs sleep – and yet, when they are awake, they have so much zest for life? Take a nap in the sunshine. Rest your soul. Rest your body. All that work and worry and stress will still be there when you’re done, but you’ll be in a better place to take it on.
  5. Take time to notice the little details around you. Ever notice how your dog wants to stop and sniff everything on his walk? He’s taking the time to notice the details. Don’t drag him off. Stop and notice the details with him. Take a breath. Look around you. Notice how beautiful this world is.

Your turn: How do you live in the moment? What lessons have your dogs taught you about the power of the little things?